Khamis, 8 Oktober 2015

Mum's Chicken Sambal

12 chicken pieces&
1 Tbsp ground turmeric
1 tsp salt
cooking oil for deep frying
3 sprigs of curry leaves
tamarind pulp/block
4 Tbsp water
3 potatoes
2 Tomatoes and cut into quaters
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste

Spice Paste
20 dried chillies, seeded, soaked in water and drained
1.5 Tbsp of coriander seeds
1 Tbsp fennel seeds
Tbsp cumin seeds
1cm knob of ginger, peeled
4 garlic cloves peeled
8 shallots (small onions) peeled.

Chefs tip: Timing is the essence to the success of this dish. Set out all you ingedients and
prepare in advance. Get your pots and pans ready so that you can easily follow the recipe in

1. In preparation for making the Spice Paste, firstly take the 20 chillies, seed them and
place in a bowl of water to hydrate. Peel the 8 shallots (small oinions) and the 4 garlic
cloves. Take a piece of fresh ginger, peel and cut into a 1 cm chunk/knob.

2. Place in a bowl the tumeric with the salt and mix together. Once mixed, rub the mixture
into the chicken pieces and set aside in the bowl to marinate.

3. To make the tamarinen juice, break off 1 Tbsp from the tamarine pulp/block, place in a
bowl and add 4 Tbsp of cold water and mix together. Set aside.

4. Heat up the cooking Oil to cooking temperature. Whist this is happening, take the
Potatoes, peel and cut into wedges. Once the oil is up to temperature carefully place the
potatoe wedges into the oil and deep fry until cooked through. Once cooked remove with care
from oil and set aside on some kitchen towel to take off excess oil.

5. With the oil still at cooking temperature, remove the chicken from the bowl where it has
been marinating in the turmeric and salt mix and add to the coooking oil and deep fry. When
the chicken pieces are cooked through, remove from the cooking oil and set aside on a side
dish on some kitch towel to take off excess oil. DO NOT allow the chicken to become crispy.
Remove the oil from the heat to safety.

6. To make the Spice Paste, remove the chillies from the water, add together with the
Coriander,fennel, cumin, ginger, shallots and garlic cloves, place into a blender and blend
to a paste.

7. Add 3 Tbsp of oil into a new deep pan or wok. Place on a moderate to high heat getting
the oil up to cooking temperature. Once the oil is up to temperature, add in the spice paste
together with the curry leaves, keep stirring mixing all the ingredients together and saute
until fragrant. Add in the tamraind juice and water, quickly mix whilst adding in the fried
chicken, cook until the gravy thickens. Then add in the potatoes and tomatos.
Season with salt and sugar to taste stirring for two minutes, then serve.

Sumber resepi dari ; mychefwan dot com

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