Rabu, 6 Januari 2016

Beef in Black Sauce:Daging Masak Hitam


90 ml / 3 fl oz / 3/8 cup Vegetable Oil
1 kg / 2 Pounds / 3 oz Beef, finely sliced (Striploin, Sirloin, Topside)
3 pieces Tamarind Juice (Assam Juice) - mix Tamarind Pulp with hot water, strain
45 g / 1 ½ oz / ¼ cup Brown Sugar or Palm Sugar (Gula Melaka)
1 litre / 1 3/5 pints / 4 cups water
125 ml / 4 fl oz / ½ cup Dark Sweet Soy Sauce (Kicap Manis)
3 Tbsp / 2 ½ fl oz Chili Powder or ready-made
Chili Paste (Cili Boh)

Paste Ingredients: - to be Finely Grounded
8 Shallots (Red Onion), peeled
4 Garlic Cloves, peeled
2 cm / 1 inch Ginger, peeled & chopped
4 Lemongrass (Serai), finely sliced
1 tsp Turmeric Powder
Water to blend

Heat the oil and sauté the Paste until fragrant and oil begins to appear on the surface.

Add in Beef, Tamarind Juice, Dark Sweet Soy Sauce, Brown Sugar and water. Stir well. Add salt, pepper and Palm Sugar to taste.

Simmer until the Beef is tender, and the sauce almost dry.


Source:Asian Food Channel

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