Sabtu, 14 November 2015

Fried Pomfret with Onion Sauce


  •     500 g white pomfret
  •     salt and pepper a little
  •     2-3 tbsp tapioca flour
  •     2 onions halved and sliced thinly
  •     1 tbsp garlic chopped
  •     20 g ginger shredded
  •     35 g red capsicum cubed
  •     2 stalks spring onion cut into sections
  •     1 tbsp Shao Hsing Hua Tiau wine
  •     Sauce
  •     1 tbsp oyster sauce
  •     1 tsp sesame oil
  •     1 tsp cornflour
  •     1/8 tsp pepper
  •     1/2 tsp chicken stock powder
  •     200 ml water
  •     Garnishing
  •     spring onion and red chilli curls
  •     coriander leaves 

  1. Clean fish, and make two to three slight cuts on both sides. Lightly season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle over with tapioca flour.
  2. Heat enough oil for deep frying in a wok, and deep-fry the fish until golden brown. Remove the fish and place on a serving platter.
  3. Leave four tablespoons of oil in the wok, and fry the ginger shreds and garlic until fragrant and crispy. Remove the ginger, garlic and oil from the wok, and set aside.
  4. Add two tablespoons of sesame oil in the wok. Add the onions and fry until soft. Drizzle in Shao Hsing Hua Tiau wine to aromatise the onions.
  5. Pour in the combined sauce ingredients and bring to a boil. Cook until the sauce is thick. Add the capsicum and spring onion, and give the mixture a stir. Dish out and pour the mixture, including the gravy, over the fish.
  6. Top with the ginger and garlic crisps set aside earlier. Drizzle over a little of the fragrant oil.
  7. Garnish the dish with spring onion, chilli curls and coriander leaves just before serving.

sumber : kuali

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